-Summer is well underway! The #1 thing I am thankful for right now is that my friend Michelle and her family put in a pool this spring. We have had a fun time swimming and playing with friends the last couple of weeks. This could very well be the summer savior!
-The little cowboys went to their grandparents' house in West Texas for the week so that I may suffer in silence. Since they've been gone, my dad-in-law's uncle died and the 5 of them are making a trip to Oklahoma to attend the funeral. No, the boys will not go to the service, and yes, they will find fun things to do there.
-It was Father's Day this weekend. My man got a Barbeque Bible and a gift card to Barnes and Noble. BBQ and books--2 of his favorite things for our amazing daddy!
-Father's Day reminded me how very much I still miss my Grandad. He's been with Jesus for just over 2 years now. The last time I was in Houston I left a Team Allyson bracelet with the flowers at his grave.
-I've lived in the Great State of Texas for my entire life, yet I am surprised every summer at how hellishly hot it can be here.
-Three different people have caught me totally off guard in the last few weeks by announcing that they are expecting babies.
-Last week I got to work at VBS at our church. I taught in Little Middle's class...something that had its ups and downs. I had so much fun getting to know the kids and planting everlasting seeds in their hearts and minds. However, if I never hear the theme song for "Saddle Ridge Ranch" again, it will still be too soon.
-My best friend is on summer vacation, and I love it that I get to talk to her much more frequently!
-I worry that I am too old and not enough fun to plan a bachelorette party.
-My sister is getting married in 18 days!
-For the first time in a very VERY long time, all of the laundry in my whole house was washed, dried, folded, and put away. And then Hubby came back from a weekend trip.
-I worry that I am too old and not enough fun to plan a bachelorette party.
-My sister is getting married in 18 days!
-For the first time in a very VERY long time, all of the laundry in my whole house was washed, dried, folded, and put away. And then Hubby came back from a weekend trip.
-Not only did Hubby come home with dirty laundry, he brought home a new dog. A second dog has been an ongoing "discussion" between us for several years. I finally gave in because a) I want him to be happy; and b) we already have a dog, a rabbit, a gerbil, 2 dwarf frogs, a bearded dragon, a snake, and 3 sons. I'm not sure that a puppy will really make that much difference.
-I bought some new goggles for Little Middle to take to the pool. He wanted to try them out right away!

-My almost-sister-in-law came to visit this weekend while all of my boys were gone. We had a lovely time shopping, having dinner out, and eating Blue Bell in our pajamas in front of the TV. My brother has good taste.
-Goliath and Little Middle are on lawn duty. Goliath mows the front yard, Little Middle mows the back. Baby's job is to pick up all the toys/cups/trash that get left out and put them away. He complains about it, but I bet he'll complain a lot more when he is big enough to push a lawn mower!
-Goliath worked his first car wash in a 7-11 parking lot over the weekend. I took my car and donated $8 to him and his friends for making it shine!
-Chemo brain is real! I have tried to make whipped cream in the toaster, put a gallon of ice cream in the refrigerator, and misplaced a loaf of bread.
-At this time next year, I will be sending my oldest son to camp for the first time and getting ready to send my youngest to kindergarten.
-Our neighbors' hot water heater exploded a few days ago while they were out. The water got so high that at one point it reached an electrical outlet, causing sparks and smoke. They are so fortunate that their whole house did not burn down! They will have to replace all of the flooring, but the insurance company won't come out for another 1 1/2-2 weeks to evaluate the claim so that the water has time to do all the damage it's going to do. See...it can always be worse!
-I am holding fast to this promise today: " 'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10
I look forward to your postings. Your words make me cry and laugh at loud, sometimes within the same paragraph. I love your ability to articulate your exact feelings. I love your honesty, your love for those boys, Christ and your tenacity to take on "the beast"
You are constantly on my mind, have made me more appreciate the small moments with my children and developed a better understanding of pray big, but be thankful and blessed by the small daily blessings..
Thank You for being so REAL!
love the update..ready to see you in person..but don't want to barge in until you are up for it!!! Also..I am a little nervous that your chemo brain sounds like mine without the chemo...YIKES!! Also..i do not think that baby will be ready for kindergarten so soon...an extra year of pre-k never hurt anyone!!! :) Love you.hope you have a VERY QUICK recovery...love you friend!!!
Gus is adorable - he's a lucky dog in a good home. Bet those cowboys love him. The goggles are great & the picture is hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh!
Hope you are feeling well.
Betty H
Love the update and photos of your precious family and friends. :)
You remain in my prayers,
So many happenings going on!! I am so blessed to be part of your gang. My girls ask when they get to see you again. They don't like chemo either! :) Praying you are starting to feel "normal" again real soon...whatever "normal" is. :)
btw: Gus is stinkin ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to meet him. AND Gus is a much better name than Eli! :)
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