Friday, September 28, 2007

Still Sick

And on and on it goes....
We are still sick. In 7 days, we made 4 visits to the pediatrician, sometimes doubling up on kids, and spent a small fortune at the pharmacy. Today, when all 3 kids should be in school and I should be enjoying the quiet, I still have Baby at home. He is suffering from croup and pink eye--both highly contagious. When I'm not holding him or watching Baby Einstein with him, I am sitting on him, hoping he will be still enough to get at least one drop in his eye OR we are reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear on the floor of a steamy bathroom, OR I am frantically gathering up everything he has touched so it can be laundered and/or disinfected.
Luckily, he is in a pretty good mood so we could make a Target run this morning. That always makes ME feel better.......

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