Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Would You Do With a Duck?

So much awesomeness happens when we're in the car. Yesterday, we were out and about, running errands. We drove by a park we've visited before, where there is a duck pond. Here's the conversation snippet:
Little Middle: Look, Mommy! There's the park! Can we go there and feed the ducks pleeaassee?
Baby: I can feed the ducks by myself!
Me: Maybe we could go tomorrow. It would be fun to visit the ducks.
Little Middle: Yeah, and we could take a duck home with us.
Me: You want to have a duck for a pet?
Baby: I want a duck for my pet. It says QUACK.
Little Middle: I don't want a duck for a pet. I want to get a duck for my dinner!


3 Girl Mommy said...

Those boys crack me up!!

nanabear said...

You do not want a duck for a pet. There is a reason pond water is green!
the voice of experience