Friday, May 9, 2008

Preschool Theology Discussion

Little Middle: Mommy, is God a boy or a girl?
Me: Neither, really. God is a Spirit.
Little Middle: What's a spirit?
Me: Ummmm.....Never mind. Let's just say that God is a boy.
Little Middle: Is God invisible?
Me: He's invisible to us while we live on earth, but when we go to heaven we will see him.
Little Middle: Can Grandad see God now?
Me: Definitely. That's great, isn't it?
Little Middle: Who else lives in heaven that can see God?
Me: Well, I don't think you know anyone else who has died and gone to be with God. You haven't really lived all that long.
Little Middle: Yes, I DO TOO know someone who died.
Me: Really? Who?
Little Middle: Mary and Joseph.

Alrighty then.


wilsonfamily said...

That is TOO cute! I just recently found out that Rebel got sick and died in October. Luke overheard me telling someone while I was on the phone. We have to go over the story every day now. ;) Trying to explain the difference between a dog's death and a human's is difficult.

Crim said...


Crim said...