Saturday, April 18, 2009

Art Show 2009

Every spring our preschool puts on an art show. The little ones create original works of art in all sorts of mediums, which is then proudly put on display for parents and grandparents to come admire.

Art Show 2009 debuted on Friday with the theme "All Things Bright and Beautiful." Here are just a few shots taken by a proud mom:

"Plunger and PVC Pipe Print in Tempera" by Little Middle

"Still Life Watercolor" by Little Middle

In case you can't decipher this masterpiece, it is an interpretive painting of this:

Group project by Little Middle and Friends

Another group project...the Penguin Flag!

"Torn Paper Snowman" by Baby

"Tissue Paper Rainbow" by Baby

"Fingerpainting Masterpiece" by Baby


Crim said...

know that I had a BIG smile :-)love y'all

Griz said...

They are so precious! However, it's been two weeks or more since you put new pictures up..........I get anxious when you don't blog for more than a day or two. Love you. Griz