Thursday, March 22, 2007

So...I gave up and got a blog. Everybody's doing it, right?!?!?

I am 31 years old. I love Jesus and my church. I love my husband and my kids. I love Texas, dessert, bedtime, good books, a clean house, and the occasional margarita. We live within driving distance of our family, but not too close, so a blog seems like a good way for people we love to keep up with the craziness that is our life! 3 little boys call me "Mommy." They are the sunshine in my life for sure! For blogging purposes, I will reference them by their nicknames: Goliath (5 yrs. old), Little Middle (2 yrs. old), and Baby (16 months). Unless you know us, you are probably wondering "Why 'Goliath'?" Our oldest son weighed 8 lbs, 12 oz. at birth and has consistently grown into a preschool linebacker. He is husky and strong--a gentle giant--and we hope he grows up to play for the NFL so he can take care of us when we're old.

Life with 3 preschoolers is fun and crazy and exhausting. We laugh a lot, cry a little, and my story is worth telling (doesn't every parent think that?). Case in point: Although I try to avoid taking all 3 boys to the grocery store if at all possible, the other day we were out of chicken and pickle chips. We can not live without either, so we made a grocery run. At the checkout counter, I got the usual comment from the cashier: "3 boys, huh? You sure do have your hands full!" To which Goliath replied: "And this isn't all, either. We have a dog, and a daddy, too!"

Until next time...


Caroline said...

hey...loved your is of course more creative than mine.Miss you bunches

Anonymous said...

great story i look forward to reading more